as we travel the world, live life and share it with you


leaving Cody...and the Corn Palace!

As we were leaving Yellowstone Park we got caught in a traffic jam caused by this big ol' lazy moose. I think he must be the park rangers pet cause i swear i saw him tethered to a nearby tree. There was a little baby moose too but i was not fast enough to snap a photo of it because i was driving and trying to navigate through the swarms of people outside of their cars taking pictures. Kinda reminded us of our tiger tracking experience in India. These poor animals must get sick of us gawking at them.

We continued on to Cody Wyoming where there just happened to be a rodeo going on. Imagine that! And guess what. We were not the only "tourists" there. This is a nightly attraction in Cody meant for tourists, but it was still fun. We used it as an opportunity to eat dinner, which I must say, was not very appetizing. I found it very difficult to eat a hamburger surrounded by cows. And it smelled like a barnyard so between that and the dirty looks we were getting from our bovine friends we ditched our burgers and got a pretzel and some water.

After Cody we had a long drive to a very small town where we stayed at the beautiful and luxurious Super 8. I am not sure why they call them non smoking rooms when they reek of cigarettes covered up by nasty air freshener. Yuck. So we got up early and headed towards South Dakota.

I cannot find the pictures we took in the Black Hills and the Badlands both places were amazing! I will try to find them and post them.

A must see if ever in Mitchell South Dakota - The Corn Palace. It is the Taj Mahal of corn. It seemed apropos since Corn seems to be King in the great ol' U.S. of A. right now. Pretty soon everything will be made of corn. Don't get me started on the politics of corn......


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