as we travel the world, live life and share it with you



So we decided to take a quick side trip to Amsterdam to prepare for our return to portland. Two full days of walking around looking for inspiration for our next project. Unfortunately our camera battery died early on in the tour but here is just a little taste of what we found. The old part of Amsterdam is amazing with all of the canals and narrow, vertical townhomes. Bikes rule in Amsterdam and it really creates a nice quiet urban environment. The newer developments on Java and Borneo island are bold! Young architects commissioned to create townhome designs that are then mixed in with larger scale apartment blocks and open space. All connected by streetcar and bike networks - cars are still secondary even though you are outside the old city. It does not have quite the vibrancy of the old town, but it was only completed in 2005. I will try to post more photos from our other camera when i get back to portland.

And now our blog evolves.....what's next? stay tuned as we plan to use this blog as a way to stay in touch with all of our friends and family....lots of love to you all and thanks for joining us on our big adventure to S. Africa, India and Amsterdam!
Kelley and Anthony