We had a lovely day on top of Table Mountain, which is a World Heritage Site because of its rich diversity of flora and fauna. The only fauna we actually saw were vibrantly colored lizards crawling on the craggly rocks. The views from Table Mountain are spectacular. The photos show dowtown Cape Town, Lions Head, Camps Bay Beach and the Visa sponsored cable car we hitched up the mountain (you can climb up the mountain but Anthony was wearing flip flops). It is definitely a big attraction as we were not the only tourists there. Once we defeated the Chinese tourists in securing a spot on the cable car we heard Italian, French, Russian, German, Afrikanns (local dutch dialect), Czech, Japanese, etc. Once we got off the main loop aka paved route we were able to take in the natural surroundings in peace. Breathtaking views and a nice warm sunny day! But alas, we forgot to secure a bottle of water and dehydration set in. Not having a map with us we took our chances that the trail we were on would make a loop around the entire Mountain and we were surely more than halfway. Not so! A nice hiker, also without a map but with well founded local knowledge, informed us that the trail went to the highest point and then down the other side into Rondebosch. We were up for a visit with Ouma but once again we were not prepared for such a hike so we turned around and headed for the safety of the Cable Car Restaurant for some refreshing water, guava juice and an icy cold Sprite! So we made it back down and onto more adventures the following day at Cape Point (see next post!) Lots of love to you all and hoping you are all happy and healthy. KandA