Barack the Vote on November 4!
Anthony and I have had a chance to see Barack Obama many times over the past year and a half. Anthony went to the historic Apollo Theater in Harlem fairly soon after we got to New York and then volunteered at a rally in Washington Square Park. When we were in Portland we had a chance to see him at the convention center. We headed up to New Hampshire to go door to door before the New Hampshire primaries and after listening to polls that said he was going to win by 10 points we decided we had jinxed him (and that many people may still be harboring racist feelings) and are sticking to donations and voter registration. Anthony volunteered at a fundraising event and shook his hand. I went to a Women for Obama breakfast event at the Hilton in midtown Manhattan. I was probably about 50 feet away from the stage but was not able to get a good photo with my iPhone because of the bright lights. I had a chance to hear Hillary Clinton urge women to vote for Barack and sat next to a young woman whose sister is Barack's scheduler! I cannot imagine why anyone would not vote for Barack especially now after all of the republican free market, deregulation policies have fallen on their face at the expense of taxpayers who are losing their jobs and their homes. It is an outrage that we are even considering privatizing profits and socializing debt. I think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. After 28 years of republican rule i think insanity is an understatement for where our country is from a psychological perspective. The rest of the world is watching and probably wondering "what did they think would happen?" Barack warned us almost a year ago and continues to be proven right on many of the big issues our country is facing right now. Vote Barack in November!